We will offer a creative alternative to your average surf program by implementing ways to motivate our youth to create change in their local communities in all areas. These programs will unleash a real tool to inspire and spark the creative talents our Indigenous youth posses.


The Bright Youth Foundation will supply up to thirty unique Bright Youth branded wetsuits and top of the line Bright Youth foam surf boards for all youth involved.


 Exercise and Wellbeing

At the Bright Youth Foundation, we strongly believe by giving our Indigenous youth as much opportunity as possible to express themselves, which can be instrumental in building a strong sense of self-confidence and hope. That’s why we strive to create a fun and positive environment for our youth to experience the ocean and all of the beauty it has to offer, what better way to get our youth into a great sport such as surfing.



The Bright Youth foundation strives to change every aspect of “typical” programs and no more important change needs to be made than changing the greasy BBQ to a healthier alternative. We will provide salad sandwiches with fresh fruit accompanied by organic green smoothies and organic protein shakes for pre surf recovery. We believe this will instill and promote a healthy and positive lifestyle choice for the youth to take back to their families and communities.



All youth that attend the Bright Youth foundation’s surf schools will be given complete access to all Bright Youth social media outlets such as Facebook and Instagram. All kids can be a part of the Foundations ongoing support in all communities.


Media Packages

Bright Youth Foundation collaborates closely with some of the most creative professional surf photographers and videographers in the industry, to bring full HD quality media packages to all families and friends to enjoy live over the Foundations website.